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雅思词汇解析(117)| 考试


December 17, 2024

雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. assessment /ə'sesmənt/

n. 评估;评定;鉴定

e.g. The school uses a variety of tests for its annual student assessments.

e.g. The examiners will assess your speaking skills based on fluency and coherence.

v. assess 评估;评价

e.g. The test is intended to assess your performance.

e.g. The school will assess the students' progress each year

2. mock/mɒk/

adj. 模拟的;模仿的

搭配:mock test 模拟考试

mock interview 模拟面试

e.g. We did a mock exam last week to prepare for the real test.

e.g. During the mock exam, I made sure to stick to the time limit to simulate real exam conditions.

e.g. I decided to test the waters by taking a mock exam before the real one.

补充:test the waters试探;摸清底细

v. mock 讥讽;嘲笑

e.g. Her friends gently mocked her, but she knew they were only joking.

3. cram /kræm/

v. (为应考)临时死记硬背,填鸭式学习

搭配:cram for an examination

cram something into 把…塞进…

e.g. He's cramming for the exam tomorrow.

e.g. Cramming right before the exam might help you remember a few facts, but it’s not a long-term solution.

e.g. She crammed as much information as possible into her head before the final test.

n. [通常用于另一名词前] (为应考进行的)强化学习,冲刺短训

e.g. She's taking a cram course.

e.g. Like many Chinese students, she attends a cram school in the evening.

4. ropes /ˈroʊps/

[plural] : 窍门;门道

搭配:learn the ropes 熟悉窍门

know the ropes 懂行;在行

e.g. It took me a few weeks to learn the ropes of studying for this difficult subject.

e.g. He’s been studying for the IELTS exam for months, so he really knows the ropes when it comes to test preparation.

5. ace/eɪs/

v. (在考试中)得高分/ 表现优异

搭配:ace the test/ examination

e.g. I’m confident that I can ace this presentation if I prepare properly.

e.g. He aced the interview and got the job on the spot.

n. 高手;能手

e.g. If you want to become an ace at playing the piano, you need to practice daily.


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